Completed PhD theses

(Practical supervision only)

Zhou Yiwen (2022)

PhD thesis 

"Biological function of CYP-derived eicosanoids in the regulation of the pharyngeal activity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans."


Kerstin Pietsch (2011)

PhD thesis 

"Defining Quercetin-, Caffeic acid- and Rosmarinic acid-mediated life extension in C. elegans: Bioassays and expression analyses"


Nadine Saul (2010)

PhD thesis 

"Tannine als potente Modulatoren der Lebensdauer und Stressresistenz in C. elegans: Zwischen Langlebigkeit und Toxizität."


Kerstin Reichert (2004)

PhD thesis

"The Celegans Toxchip: Development and validation of a biomonitor test based on the xenobiotically induced gene expression of Caenorhabditis elegans."